concepts of mol, Avogadro's constant, molar mass, number of particles, etc
conceptual understanding of counting by weighing
simple computation with mole
mass percent and empirical formula
fundamental stoichiometry based on balanced equation
mass percent, molarity of solution and related computation
solution stoichiometry
computation of solution mixing and dilution
gas stoichiometry
limiting reactant and percent yield
impurity analysis
combustion analysis
mixture analysis
concept of molality
vapor pressure of solutions with nonvolatile solutes
colligative properties of solutions (boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, *osmotic pressure, etc.)
colligative properties of solutions with electrolytes as solutes (van't Hoff factor of strong/weak/nonelectrolytes) (check T2)
stoichiometry with more complicated computation
stoichiometry based on graph analysis
color of flame test (Na, K, Ca, Ba, Li, Cu, etc.)
color of common ions (MnO4-, CrO42-, Zn2+, Co2+, *Cr3+, *Ni2+, *Fe3+, main group cations, etc.)
solubility rules, common precipitates of chlorides, fluorides, sulfates, etc.
color of precipitates
abundance and states of elements
heat of reactions/dissolution/dilution
properties of reactive metals (alkali/alkali earth metals)
*properties of amphoteric metals (Al)
properties of nonreactive metals (Cu/Ag/Au)
properties of representative nonmetals (halogens)
common strong acids (HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HBr, HI, HClO4)
common weak acids (HF, H2CO3, H3PO4, CH3COOH, etc.)
common strong bases (NaOH, KOH, Ba(OH)2)
common soluble weak bases (NH3, amines)
acid-base properties of salts
types of reactions (neutralization, precipitation, redox, etc.)
typical gas evolution reactions (H2, CO2, SO2, NH3)
typical redox titrations (acidified KMnO4 + H2C2O4/Fe2+/H2O2, *iodometry, etc.)
names of common used glassware
volumetric glassware and uncertainty (graduated cylinder, volumetric pipette, graduated pipette, burette, etc.)
prepare a certain molarity solution using a volumetric flask
transfer a certain volume of solution using pipette and bulb/finger
other common laboratory (filtration, distillation, titration, chromatography, gravimetric analysis, etc.)
concepts of spectroscopy, spectrum, absorbance, etc.
color of solution vs light absorbed (complementary color)
Beer's law (Abs=abc)
concepts of standard solution, blank, calibration curve
selection of an appropriate wavelength for the calibration curve
error analysis in spectroscopy
error analysis in acid-base titrations (standardization, indicator, etc.)
error analysis in gravimetric analysis (precipitation)
*error analysis in measurement of the molar mass of a volatile liquid
error analysis in measurement of hydrated water in a hydrate
application of crystal field theory (magnetism, color, etc.) (check T9)
organic laboratory (melting point measurement, vacuum filtration, reflux, etc.)
more complicated error analysis
iodometry and error analysis in iodometry
solubility of sulfide precipitates and hard-soft acid-base theory
concepts of IMFs (London dispersion force, dipole-dipole interaction, hydrogen bonds, ion-dipole interaction, etc.)
Hydrogen bonds (N/O/F-H)
comparison of IMFs and mp/bp/vapor pressure/viscosity/solubility/etc.
gas, liquid, and solid states of matter and their molecular models
phase changes
factors to determine of state - IMFs vs kinetics energy (T, P)
phase diagram (triple point, sublimation, thermal expansion/contraction (water), supercritical fluid, etc.)
concept of ideal gas
conditions for gases to behave ideally (high T, low P)
ideal gas law (PV=nRT)
gas density vs molar mass (d=PM/RT)
kinetic molecular theory (origin of pressure, KE vs T, etc.) and its application in explaining the gas laws
Graham's effusion law (rate∝sqrt[molar mass])
real gas vs ideal gas
concept of dynamic equilibrium of vapor pressure
conceptual understanding of equilibrium vapor pressure (constant at the same temperature)
vapor pressure vs T
normal boiling point
*computation of vapor pressure with volume change
four types of solids (ionic, metallic, molecular, covalent network)
concept of lattice energy
comparison of lattice energy and mp of ionic solid
typical physical properties of each type of solids
common covalent network solids (diamond, Si, SiO2, SiC, etc.)
unit cell models (preliminary, body-centered, face-centered cubic) and unit formula
*density calculation based on unit cell model
quantitive comparison of molecules with different types of IMFs (CH3Cl vs CCl4, etc.)
computation of vapor pressure vs T (Clapeyron–Clausius equation)
more complicated computation of vapor pressure (two substances, temperature change, etc.)
concepts of calorimetry (thermometer, calorimeter, insulation, etc.)
setup of a coffee-cup calorimeter
measurement of heat of dissolution/dissolution/etc and error analysis
computation of calorimetry (q=cmΔT) with and without phase change
first law of thermodynamics (U=q+w)
concept of enthalpy (H=U+PV)
*ΔH vs ΔU (internal energy)
concept of ΔH of formation
computation based on ΔH of formation
computation based on Hess's law
estimation of ΔH(rxn) using bond energies
concept of entropy (S)
concept of standard entropy
sign of entropy change based on states and structures of matter
concept of Gibbs free energy (G)
concept of standard free energy change (ΔG) and ΔG of formation
ΔG(standard) and spontaneity
computation based on ΔG=ΔH-TΔS
sign analysis based on ΔG=ΔH-TΔS
dependence of ΔG(standard) with T
ΔG(standard) vs K (ΔG(standard)=-RTlnK)
*van't Hoff equation (lnK vs 1/T)
*computation of vapor pressure/boiling point at different temperature (Clapeyron–Clausius equation, check T3)
internal energy vs enthalpy
calculation of volume work
second law of thermodynamics
ΔH at different temperature vs heat capacity
graph analysis of lnK vs 1/T
ΔG vs ΔG(standard) - ΔG=ΔG(standard)+RTlnQ
concept of reaction rate and relative rates
concept of rate laws and rate constant, unit of rate constant
integrated rate laws of 0th, 1st, 2nd order reaction
rate constant and half-life
kinetics of nuclear decay (first-order process)
collision model, activation energy (Ea)
factors to affect reaction rate
transition-state model
transition state vs intermediate
dependence of rate on temperature - Arrhenius equation (k vs T)
plot of lnk vs 1/T (measurement of Ea)
catalyst (homogeneous vs heterogeneous)
(multistep) reaction energy profile in the presence and absence of catalyst
measurement of rate law using initial rate method
measurement of rate law using pseudo kinetic analysis
([A] >> [B]) - fading of crystal violet
plot of [A], ln[A], 1/[A] vs t
kinetics analysis of consecutive reactions (A->B->C)
*derivation of rate law using approximations (steady-state approximation, pre-equilibrium approximation, etc.
rate law determination based on graph analysis ([A] vs t, rate vs [A], etc.)
conceptual understanding of activation energy (forward vs reverse reaction rate)
conceptual understanding of Arrhenius equation (pre-exponential factor, etc.)
temperature-dependence of the rate constants with different Ea
half-life of parallel reaction (A->B, A->C)
computation of concentration change of [A] or [B] in A+B->C with a certain initial concentrations
kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
kinetics analysis of reversible, parallel, and consecutive reactions
concepts of reversible reactions and equilibrium state
concepts of K and Q
reaction prediction based on Q/K comparison
computation with K - RICE table
*Kc vs Kp
Le Chatelier principle (Cobalt equilibrium, NO2/N2O4 equilibrium, etc.)
Brønsted–Lowry acid–base theory and conjugate acid-base pair
strong acids vs weak acids
auto-ionization of water, concept of Kw
concept of pH
pH computation based on Ka or Kb
percent of ionization and its relation with molarity of weak acids
conjugate acid-base pair seesaw (pKa+pKb=pKw)
pH calculation of the conjugate bases of weak acids (CN- or *CO32-, etc.)
concepts of buffer and common ions
*computation based on Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
*preparation of buffers by reactions (NaHCO3 + NaOH, etc.)
acid-based titrations
pH curves of strong acid/strong base titrations
pH curves of strong acid/weak base (equivalence point, end point, buffer region, half equivalence point, etc.)
common used indicators (phenolphthalein, pH=8-10)
principle of indicator (pKIn±1)
selection of indicator based on pH range of color change
concepts of solubility (mass and molar)
solubility equilibrium and concept of Ksp
Ksp vs solubility
prediction of precipitation using Q/K comparison
*solubility vs pH
*complex equilibrium
*dissolution of precipitates by complexation
prediction of reaction shift with pressure change (constant volume or pressure with inert gas added)
titration curve of mixture (Na2CO3 and NaHCO3)
titration curve of polyprotic acids
equilibrium based on graph analysis
error analysis of titrations
computation of multiple equilibria involving dissolution and complex, etc.
concepts of oxidation number, oxidation, and reduction
redox titrations (permanganate)
half-reaction and balance of redox reaction equations
Galvanic cell model, cathode, anode, salt bridge, line notation
standard reduction potential and standard hydrogen electrode
*interpretation of the sign of standard reduction potential
standard cell potential (emf) - Ecell = Ecathod - Eanode
*metal reactivity series and relation to standard reduction potentials
concept of Faraday constant
measurement of Ksp using electrochemical methods
*potential calculation from related half reactions
application of LCP in redox equilibrium
Nernst equation - E = E(standard)-RT/nF*lnQ
*E-pH diagram
electrolytical cell vs Galvanic cell
Faraday's law of electrolysis
*electrolysis of aqueous solutions (AgF, NaCl, KI, etc.)
E(standard) vs T
oxidation with complex formed (dissolution of Au in aqua regia)
electrolysis of mixed ions
computation of concentration cell
complicated computation based on Nernst equation
structure of atoms and subatomic particles (nucleus, protons, neutrons)
concept of isotopes
name, scientist(s), experiment, and key points of each atomic model (Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, electron cloud)
different modes of nuclear decay (alpha, beta, positron, electron capture, etc.
nuclear fusion vs nuclear fission (U-235 + neutron)
prediction of the mode of nuclear decay
light is wave (λf=c, E=hf)
key points of Bohr's atomic model (orbit, energy level, ground state vs excited state, etc.)
Hydrogen's emission spectrum (Lyman series - UV with n[final]=1, Balmer series - Vis with a n[final]=2, Paschen series - IR with a n[final]=3)
*computational understanding of Hydrogen's emission spectrum (energy gap between two neighboring energy levels decreases dramatically with increasing of n)
orbit vs orbital (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle)
square of the value of the wavefunction (Ψ) equals to the probability density of electrons at a certain region
symbol, value, and meaning of the four quantum numbers (n, l, ml, ms)
*radial wavefunction (Ψ) and nodes (Ψ=0)
Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule
subshells vs orbitals
electron configuration of atoms at ground/excited state
exception of electron configuration of Cr and Cu
photoelectron spectroscopy
electron configuration of ions at ground state
concept of paramagnetic and diamagnetic
counting of unpaired electrons
history and structure (period, group, block) of the periodic table
concept of valence electrons
concepts of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, transition metals, lanthanide, etc.
general trends and justification of atomic/ionic size, first ionization energy (IE), electron affinity, electronegativity, etc.
interpretation of successive IE
trends and justification of mp/bp of alkali metals
*trends and justification of binary acids
exceptions of first IE1 of group III and VI elements and the justifications
exceptions of electron affinity (O/F are smaller than S/Cl due to their smaller sizes and the justification
*explanation of exceptions in electron affinity across the period
*concepts and affects of lanthanide contraction (Zr vs Hf) and 3d contraction (Al vs Ga)
number of nodes (n-1) and relationship with quantum number
computational understanding of Hydrogen's emission spectrum based on Rydberg's formula (energy gap between two neighboring energy levels decreases dramatically with increasing of n)
photoelectric effect
explanation of exceptions in electron affinity across the period
concepts and affects of lanthanide contraction (Zr vs Hf) and 3d contraction (Al vs Ga)
trends of transition elements in the same groups (MnO4- vs TcO4-)
concepts and models of covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds
relationship between bond types and average electronegativity (EN) and ΔEN
polar vs nonopolar bonds (dipole moment)
energy profile of diatomic molecules (bond energy and bond length)
comparison of bond strength and bond length
exceptions in bond strength (Cl2 vs F2)
strategy to draw Lewis structures (octet rule, lone pairs)
label formal charges to confirm the Lewis structures
exceptions to octet rule (odd-electrons [NO/NO2], electron deficient [BF3], hypervalent [PCl5])
concept of resonance structures (atom positions are fixed)
weighted average explanation of bond lengths using multiple resonances (three N-O bonds are the same in NO3-)
comparison of relative stability of resonance structures (octet or not, formal charge, etc.)
VSEPR models (name of each model - AEnXm)
application of VSEPR model to analyze the geometry of molecules/ions
concept of dipole moment
molecular polarity (polar vs nonpolar molecules)
comparison of bond angles
concept of electron-sea model (delocalization)
relationship between metallic bond model and conductivity/malleability/etc.
explanation of melting points of metals in the same group/period using the electron-sea model
melting points vs #valence electrons
valence bond theory (overlap of atomic orbitals)
sigma bonds vs pi bonds and bond counting
concept and analysis of hybridization of central atoms (sp3, sp2, sp)
*violence of VSPER model due to conjugation (delocalized pi bonds, eg. HCONH2)
*uniqueness of 2nd period elements in making multiple bonds (P4 vs N2, S8 vs O2, CO2 vs SiO2, etc.)
concepts of molecular orbital theory (bonding vs anti-bonding, bond order)
bond order of common diatomic molecules (N2, O2, NO, etc.)
explanation of unpaired electrons using MO theory (O2, O2-, NO, etc.)
*application of MO theory in explaining IE1 (Cl vs Cl2)
concepts of complex (coordination covalent bonds, ligands)
isomerism of square planar and octahedral complexes (cis/trans, fac/mer, optical)
*isomer counting of square planar and octahedral complex (MA2B2, MA2BC, MA3B3, MA2B4, etc.)
advanced MO theory (four rules)
s-p mixing in MO (O2 and F2)
explanation of unpaired electrons using MO theory - heteronuclear diatomic species
application of MO theory in explaining IE - heteronuclear diatomic species
geometric vs stereoisomers
isomer counting (with bidentate ligands)
crystal field theory (splitting of d orbitals in octahedral)
concepts of strong ligand and weak ligands
color of complex ion and splitting energy
hydrocarbons (alkanes/alkenes/alkynes, benzene), alkyl halides, alcohols, aldehydes/ketones, acids, esters, amino acids, etc.
concepts of double bond equivalence and molecular formula of organic compounds
number of sigma and pi bonds in a organic molecule
Note: naming of alkanes, alkenes, and esters were commonly assessed
planar structure of alkenes (double bonds can't rotate freely)
cis vs trans isomers of alkenes
Note: the naming of cis/trans of ring structures were NOT assessed
a sp3-hybridized carbon with four different groups is called a chiral carbon
a chiral molecule is NOT superimposable with its mirror image, and can rotate the plane-polarized light (optical isomers)
Note: assign of R/S of a chiral carbon is NOT assessed
Extension: a chiral molecule has neither plane of symmetry and nor inversion center.
concepts of structural isomers (functional, chain, positional) and stereoisomers (geometric [cis/trans] and optical)
Note: advanced concepts such as enantiomers, diastereomers were assessed in the recent years
Conceptual: geometric isomers are diastereomers (stereoisomers but not enantiomers)
count the number of isomers with a certain molecular formula with a systematic strategy
Note: isomer counting for alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, haloalkanes were assessed
Note: alkenes may have cis/trans isomers, and others may have chiral carbons with optical isomers
Note: isomers with rings were NOT assessed yet
formation of esters by reacting carboxylic acids and alcohols under acid catalysis (reversible)
hydrolysis of esters under acid (reversible) and base (saponification, irreversible) catalysis
Extension: basic hydrolysis of triglycerides (fat and oil) into salts of fatty acids (soap) and glycerol
primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols
primary alcohols can be oxidized into aldehydes [intermediate] and further into acids
secondary alcohols can be oxidized into ketones (no further reaction)
tertiary alcohols can NOT be oxidized
Extension: strong oxidants (permanganate/chromate) oxidize primary alcohols into acids, while mild oxidants produces aldehydes
concepts of nucleophiles, electrophiles, leaving groups, etc.
intermediate/transition state of nucleophilic substitutions
*relative rates of primary/secondary/tertiary substrates and different halides as leaving groups
Note: stereochemistry of SN1/SN2 was NOT assessed in the past USNCO exams
benzene goes substitution instead of addition despite its high degree of unsaturation (benzene doesn't decolorize bromine like alkenes do)
benzene can undergo substitution reactions such as halogenation, nitration, alkylation, etc. under Lewis Acids catalysis
Note: the unique properties of benzene is caused by delocalization of pi electrons (aromatic)
Extension: the activation/deactivation effect of different groups on benzene was assessed in the National Exam
acid-catalyzed dehydration of alcohols to produces alkenes
base-catalyzed dehydrohalogenation (removal of HX) of haloalkanes produces alkenes
Note: the beta-hydrogen (the hydrogen connected to the carbon adjacent to the central carbon with -OH or -X) is removed in both reactions
Note: tendency of elimination: tertiary > secondary > primary alcohols
Extension: the regioselectivity (Zaitsev rule) and stereoselectivity (cis/trans alkenes) of eliminations were assessed in the National Exam Part II?
alkenes can undergo addition reactions to produce substituted alkanes, such as the addition of *Br2, HX, *H2O (acid-catalyzed), H2, etc.
Note: the decolorization of bromine is used to test alkenes/alkynes
Note: the addition rate of substituted alkenes and alkynes was assessed in the National Exam Part I, though the stability comparison of tertiary, secondary, primary carbocations was NOT directly assessed.
Note: Markovnikov rule and radical-based addition were assessed in the National Exam Part
*chair and boat conformation of cyclohexanes and their relative stability
*concept of staggered and eclipsed bonds
Note: the relative stability of the axial and equatorial substituted cyclohexanes were assessed in the National Exam
4n+2 rule - comparison of benzene and cyclooctatetraene
hydration of aldehydes/ketones
formation and reactions of hemiacetals/acetals
aldol condensation of aldehydes/ketones
reactivity of alkenes vs alkynes
reactive of alkenes vs conjugated alkenes
reactivity of allylic vs regular positions
concepts and structural explanation of reducing sugar
competition of nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations
synthesis of carboxylic acid derivatives, such as amides
Updated on Feb 24, 2023